Einmalige Gelegenheit: Ihr neues Zuhause an der Dahme!

Am Steilhang 20, 12559 Berlin – Treptow-Köpenick

Unique opportunity: your new home on the Dahme!

10 Room
ca. 261 m² Living space
850,000 € Purchase price

Details of the property

850,000 € Purchase price
ca. 261 m² Living space
10 Room
ca. 230 m² Useful area
ca. 805 m² Property area
Family Home Floor Location
2 Number of floors
1 Balconies
immediately available from
Shower, Tub, Windows Bath with
Tiles, Parquet Floor

Energy certificate

Year Built: 2000 Main energy source: Gas Firing mode: Gas Heating type: Central heating

Buyer's commission: 3 % of the purchase price plus statutory VAT.

If a notarized purchase contract is concluded, a broker's commission of 3% of the purchase price plus VAT will be charged.

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